How to prepare the interview

  1. 外資系企業×FAQ

公開日:2021/11/08 / 最終更新日: 2024/04/24

Q.Is it possible to fully prepare for an interview?

A. No. While answers to standard interview questions can often be prepared in advance, firms/interviewers often differ in their techniques and interview styles.

The interview process usually consists of several stages, or at least involves meeting with several people in the firm, in the form of one on one interviews, either in person, over the phone or via teleconference. Other less common though practiced techniques include panel style, personality/character tests, skills or aptitude tests, submission of reports and presentations etc. HR interviewers tend to focus on general resume questions related to your academic and work background, while hiring and team members are usually more interested in your career, skills, whether you can do the job and whether they can work with you on a day to day basis and so on. For foreign capital companies that require English skills, expect at least one of the interviews to be conducted in English as a means to test proficiency in the language. It is therefore always important to have answers to potential interview questions well rehearsed in both Japanese and English. The best way to prepare for an interview is to know about the different types of interview techniques so you will know how to respond, be familiar with what is written on your resume and job description and more importantly to seek advice from your agent over an interview preparation session. You can never be 100% prepared for any interview, but you can always give yourself the best chance to do well by thoroughly preparing in advance.


A. 完全にはできません。面接時の標準的な質問については事前に準備できますが、多くの場合、企業や面接官によって面接の内容やスタイルは異なります。




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